Calling all forrozeiros!
Are you interested in the opportunity to earn special discounts or free passes to upcoming forró events? If the answer is yes (because of course it is 😉), we encourage you to join the Plug Forró Challenge!
This challenge begins on [START-DATE] through [END-DATE], so we encourage you to create an account on, if you don’t already have one, and sign up for the challenge TODAY.
What exactly is the Plug Forró Challenge? Here’s the gist of it!
The Plug Forró Challenge was designed by the team to promote connections between forró communities around Europe by increasing the number of active communities in second cities, towns, and villages across the continent by using
I’m listening…How does it work? will partner with festival organisers to offer special discounts or free passes to forrózeiras and forrózeiros (the challengers) who visit a different town or city, for a class, party, or festival, in the months leading up to your target festival. Challengers will need to register at the bottom of this page to choose their target festival, and then create an account on
The challengers will then use to find the events, engage with locals through ‘forró exchanges’, and share images of the events as proof of their attendance.
If you cannot travel then no problem. You can also earn points towards your festival ticket by hosting challengers in your own community, either by acting as a local guide for a visitor, or providing them with a place to sleep on their forró-travels.
Why should I be interested?
Because you love forró and want to see the forró communities across Europe thrive!
Another benefit is supporting the activity of couch surfing with local guides making the challenge more inclusive.
It’s time that forró sets down deep roots in Europe, to find a home for forró in every crease and corner. Together, as a community of organisers, artists, and teachers, we can create incentives so that more forrozeiros go out and amplify local communities that are the greatest source of growth outside the already established and competitive capital cities.
Great points, count me in! So when is it happening?
We’re excited that you’ll be joining the challenge!
The challenge officially begins on [START-DATE] and ends on [END-DATE].
Check out the available festivals here and then sign up for your target festival here.
The Rules of the Game
- Challengers can only target one festival at a time
- The visited community cannot be their home locale
- They cannot include the same community twice in their challenge, where a community means an entire town or city, not a specific organiser. So you cannot participate in all of the different weekly parties in London and call your challenge complete. You must travel.
- The challenger must have an account on and post their images there, on the event page, so that activity can be more easily counted.
- The image does not need to include faces, but clearly identify the event and must not be someone else’s image pulled from Facebook or another app. Challengers would be encouraged to post on their main social media account as well, whether that is Facebook or Instagram.
- The challenger may choose, for any month, to host or escort another challenger coming to their town, and call that a ‘point’ that adds to their total.
- For that month they don’t need to visit another community. The visiting forrozeiro does not actually need to be a challenger, but they must arrange the hosting/escorting via
- Included festivals must be in Europe