As our platform gets more sophisticated, our brand also evolves. For a long time, we have been conscious of our need for a visual identity that helps us stand out and stick in people’s minds, to tie our content and communications together under a single theme. It’s the first thing people we interact with see and it shapes their impression of our product. That’s why we’ve put so much effort into our rebrand and are excited to share it with you.

Meet the Tangram!

We worked on a playful, simple, and, at the same time, nostalgic design in order to represent our brand identity and values, which took shape in the concept of a tangram.

For those who are not familiar with the tangram (lit. ‘seven boards of skill’), it is a wooden geometric puzzle invented in China sometime around the late 18th century. It consists of a square cut into seven flat polygons, called tans, which can be arranged in different ways in order to make up minimalist designs. Our updated variant is smoother, more modern, and boasts more vibrant colors.

By using the tangram, we’ve created graphics that are both unique and fun, expressing the diversity, and variety of communities and activities is designed to support. It is also a neutral canvas for you to experiment with. It’s all about community, connectedness, and creativity: different people, as different polygons, interacting with each other to create something new and great.

The squared logo of is featured in tangram web illustrations that come to life in a softer variation of the original wooden toy.’ visual identity evolves: meet the Tangram!

Our Name & Logo

Our name was agreed upon after a very long process with hundreds of other name considerations discussed and discarded. In the end, it is very literal, to ‘plug’ is to promote, and this website is used for promoting events, either your own or those of other people.

The name is also a double entendre, and the logo carries the alternative meaning, as a representation of an electrical plug and cable, conveying the idea of staying ‘plugged in’.

Logo Placement

But a brand identity is not just about graphical devices and patterns, it is also about setting rules and standards for how to present our brand. To preserve the integrity and visual impact of the logo, we have defined the minimum space to maintain around the logo. The clear space around the logo is equal to the height of the “P” in

We also agreed on how to present the logo on various backgrounds. To preserve the integrity and visual impact of the logo, we use the colorful logo on a light background, and if the colorful logo is not visible on a dark background, we use the monochrome version.


Our colors go back to the very beginning of the project, being somewhat pastel, but also bold and expressive.


Our typeface has been the same since the first pass at brand design, Montserrat, because we like its elegance and versatility.


Overall, the new brand identity is playful, expressive, memorable, and reflects the company’s core values of creativity, connectedness, and community.

Here are some examples of how our brand looks “in action”.


An integral part of Plug.event’s mission is the notion of providing an alternative to the dominant paradigm of social media. We named this new paradigm social media as community service (SMACS, maybe it’ll catch on!). represents a parallel universe where your information is kept private, where you are free to speak in safe community-governed spaces, and can easily find things related to your interests without distracting clickbait and ads. The new brand identity reflects this creativity, freedom, and safety. You and the people you trust are in control, to build and cultivate your personas as they reflect your real life and relationships.

Thanks for reading!


The chicken-and-egg paradox is a common problem for startups. A marketplace needs buyers to attract sellers and sellers to attract buyers. Much like how a young professional needs experience to get a job, but a job to gain experience. Successful tech startups, including Airbnb, Reddit, Facebook, and Amazon, have discovered a simple solution: curating information that buyers want.

Startups often distill relevant yet hard-to-navigate information into a filterable or ranked list to attract buyers and position themselves in the sales pipeline of smart sellers. Other times, startups create user-centric platforms where individuals look for information or audiences. These types of platforms form the basis of what is referred to as the “attention economy”.

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Reddit is an excellent example of a successful startup that used crowdsourced curation for its platform. Founder, Alexis Ohanian, took inspiration from Hacker News and created subreddits. The founders collected links from around the web then manually and automatically curated them into relevant subreddits. The platform became so popular that many people now use Reddit within Google search for higher quality results by adding the text “” before their query.


In the case of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg used an easily navigable web interface that pulled the names and images of fellow Harvard students to attract his initial users. He then allowed them to curate their own profiles. By curating a relevant set of information and expanding user control, Facebook overcame the chicken-and-egg problem.


Similarly, Airbnb’s founders – Brian, Nathan, and Joe – scraped accommodation listings from Craigslist to attract its initial audience. Once they hooked customers, they curated and improved listings to offer better value to their hosts. Airbnb’s user-centric approach was key to its success, which has grown to become a global hospitality powerhouse. They famously hired local photographers to improve the attractiveness of listings and provide more value to their hosts, resulting in a better experience for all of their users.


Amazon’s Founder Jeff Bezos created a platform that allowed people to purchase books even if they were not in inventory. Bezos found a list of all the books in print and marketed them through his website. When someone made a purchase, he would buy the book from another online seller and provide the buyer’s postal address. If he couldn’t find the book, he would visit local second-hand bookstores in Portland, Oregon, to source the book and post it himself, often at a loss. This user-centric approach paid off as customers found the website reliable and returned for repeat purchases. Over time, Amazon expanded its inventory, diversified its offerings, and employed more sophisticated supply chain management strategies. These strategies built upon the initial foundation of curation and customer service. By overcoming the chicken-and-egg problem in its early days, Amazon has grown to become the world’s largest online retailer, pioneering the industry and transforming the way people shop.

Our Own Journey

At, we work with the mantra “you win or you learn.” And we have learned a lot! One of the things that we have learned is that while the strategy for solving the chicken-and-egg problem is always the same, the particular tactics depend on the context, and tactics are complicated. It is not simply a matter of manually curating content until your fingers bleed and fall off but of working smartly, and efficiently over time to curate large quantities of reliable data in a sustainable workflow.

We had been attempting to prove our model with two small dance communities that we were very familiar with, forró and balfolk, but at a certain point, we realized that to survive, we needed to grow the user base very fast, across a wide array of communities, ideally related to each other with a large amount of intersection.

To achieve this, the tactics we explored and settled on can be put into three buckets:

  • Doing it for Them
  • Making it Easier
  • Making it Worthwhile

Doing it for Them

This means collecting events from around the web and publishing them on behalf of organizers. We are partnering with another startup that provides a system that scrapes the web for content, structure, and labels then delivers it in a neat package. This system can also be augmented to check for updates on the sources of that data, such as changes in venue, descriptions, or dates, and send an alert to the event administrator on

Making It Easier

By making the website more user-friendly, organizers and our supporters will be able to add events more quickly and easily. In practice, this means comprehensively reviewing the user experience (UX) of the site through multiple lenses

  • Analytics: Our product analytics tool shows us what people are doing on the site and where they might be having trouble.
  • User Stories: Based upon a set of three personas, we create a list of user stories of the format: A person (who?) wants to do something (what?) because (why?).
  • UX Heuristics: 10 usability heuristics for user interface design by Jakob Nielsen.
  • Graphic Prototyping and User Feedback: We generate clickable prototypes of proposed redesigns or specific steps in the event creation process and test them with real users to capture their feedback.

By using these methods, we created a large list of issues that people were facing when creating an event, this allowed us to design solutions. We tested those solutions with people who were both close to the project and others who had a fresh or more objective perspective.

Many of those solutions are small fixes and updates to text, labels, and descriptions on the site, so that people can understand exactly what is happening and the relevance of each element on the screen. Other changes are entirely new features that streamline the flow using ‘smart’ predictive methods, meaning users don’t have to enter all of the event information manually.

Making It Worthwhile

Lastly, we are also working on a string of new features and benefits that make it more attractive to add events directly to Plug, including:

  • Features that will increase the number of users finding events through Plug.
    • A simplified version of the website presenting the information in a short, digestible calendar format.
    • More ways to access our event information from the applications people already use.
    • Easier sharing tools that present event content in image formats that are more suited for social media.
    • Better event suggestions and notifications.
  • Event embedding so that organizers can post once on Plug and publish to multiple places.
  • Subscription management so that our partners have another income stream and allowing their core community to actively support and engage with them.

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The chicken-and-egg dilemma is a pervasive issue for startups, but we have learned that it can be overcome by curating information that ‘buyers’ are looking for. The strategy remains the same, but the tactics depend on the context, and here are ours:

  • Curating large numbers of events ourselves using modern web scraping techniques and machine learning,
  • Improving the site usability to make it easier and quicker to post events directly on Plug,
  • Adding features that make publishing on Plug worth the effort for organizers.

This, we believe, will increase user engagement and eventually allow organic growth to take over.

Claim Events

Anyone can create an event in, not just organisers, teachers and curators. Perhaps you didn’t realise this? This means that if you know of an event that is not on, even if it isn’t yours, you can add it. This way you can promote events in your community helping it grow, you can then can let the organiser know and they can Claim the event to make it their own. For example, Margo in Poland had added this event run by Krakow Balfolk. In addition, we at are adding Forró and Balfolk events to help those communities grow, so you may find your event on the site and you can use the Claim button to make it yours.

You can use this button to claim an event if it is yours.

Creating Events

You have probably already found the Add Event function in the Create menu (top of your screen). And, I expect some of you have already experimented by creating simple one-day and multi-day events. When adding the event initially we ask for enough information to create a basic event after which you can then edit to add more detail, including an image which will make your event stand out in search results.

Create event dropdown

Whether you are an enthusiastic member of a community or an organiser you will want to create events quickly and easily, we have designed the Add Event function to do exactly that. This function also has the ability to handle more complex event scenarios like festivals, repeating classes, series of linked events and so on.

Create Event to publish and edit the details
Create Event to publish and edit the details

Complex Event Schedules

Perhaps you run courses, such as a 6-week yoga course every Thursday evening? In this case, you can use the Add Event function and choose the Multi-Session option. This is very flexible and will allow you to create events with a pattern of days. You can even have a basic pattern and then edit it to add further ad-hoc sessions outside of the initial pattern. In this example you will see that the Forró in Lyon organisation has a course with a number of sessions, they also have a couple of sessions with programs added (see January 16th & 17th). If your course has the same program each day then you may want to add the program to the description, rather than to each session, as Forró Bordeaux have done here. Remember that you can use Duplicate Event with all types of event including a multi-session event.

Recurring Sessions
Recurring Sessions

Schedule or Program

If you want to show a simple timetable for your event you can use the Add Progam function which is part of Edit Event. This allows you to create a simple table of structured data to create your timetable. We don’t check the contents so you can add whatever makes the most sense for your events. For example, this event organised by Forró Family has a simple program included.

Event schedule
Simple event programme

Duplicate Event

Sometimes you will have an event that you run regularly, often the simplest thing to do is to use the Duplicate Event function from any event page. You will find this in the more menu – remember you must be signed in. This will create a copy that you can then edit to make it into your new event.

Duplicate dialogue
Duplicate event with same image

There are so many exciting things to tell you it is hard to keep things short and sweet (which is the guideline for our blog articles). So, I have to stop here otherwise our editor will be chasing me! I’m sure you have found lots on the site to explore and we are continuously improving it so do keep checking; and later, we are planning to add some detailed help to the site to explain the more complex aspects.

p.s. if you have an idea, a request, or find a potential bug, do let us know using the Get Support function in your personal menu.

Liz Tomlin
Co-Founder &…. lots of other things

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In this month’s newsletter, you’ll get a glimpse at the new recurring events feature, which makes it easier and quicker to add your entire calendar of events to the site. We will also be sharing our story with you by sitting down with our founders and contributors to learn about why they joined the Plug family. 😊

But first, here’s a quick update about what we’ve been doing in our day-to-day to bring this vision to life!

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What’s New

After quite a lull over the summer, things have begun to move at a more desirable pace in terms of development, team building, and marketing. As we all have lives and commitments outside of Plug, our goal has always been to make our work process smooth and manageable for everyone involved, all while simultaneously creating opportunities for new people to meaningfully contribute.

We need to flow, in confluence, and grow as a river heading towards the same sea. This is difficult. Even profitable companies with paid employees hardly achieve this, and dreams alone don’t pay your electricity bills.

Photo Credit

Our most important priority right now, and where more people can contribute to the project, is by improving the site’s usability and making it easier to understand. This is especially true on mobile, where most people first find out about us.

For this reason, we have been preparing a comprehensive review of the site, using surveys, establishing focus groups, and conducting analyses of the user experience. Our aim is for more people to learn about the site so that they can give us honest feedback and suggest features we should prioritize. We want more people to feel a sense of ownership over Plug. That it is truly their social network because it was built to serve them and the communities they care about.

We will formally begin this process next month, starting with a review of the search function. If you would like to be involved please reach out on Plug, send us an email, or on Facebook:

Exciting Developments: Recurring Events

Perhaps you have events that you repeat periodically such as a 3-week tango beginner’s course on Saturdays that you run every second month. You could duplicate that event and then adjust the dates, but it’s much easier and more convenient to use the new recurring events feature!

To use this feature when creating an event, select the Course with multiple sessions as the Scheduling Type:

From there, you’ll be able to set the recurring event details such as frequency and when the event ends:

User Support Channel

We have also implemented a user support button for users who are signed in, which you will find in the personal menu in the left column.

Stay tuned for more details to come!

More Recent Updates…

  • Showing related orgs/events in conversations. When you receive a message from another user, you’ll be able to see if it’s related to/about a specific event or org.
  • Update your email address under My Account. Want our communications to go to a different email address? You can now update your email address when navigating to My Account.
  • No more blurry profile photos.
  • We have removed the interest-in-common rule when creating events, organisations, or conversations
  • Now when creating an event we do not allow ‘as an Org’ if users have not created one
  • We have improved the UI copy in a few places, for example when linking events
  • We modified the location fields that are visible if an event is online-only

And a few bug fixes

  • Interest added to profile doesn’t show immediately – page not refreshed – FIXED
  • No more blurry photos!
  • Search Suggestions now only display on entering the field
  • If users are not confirmed we don’t allow them to hold Roles at organisations or events

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Founder Spotlight

Ciarán Carroll

Without Ciarán’s vision, Plug wouldn’t exist today!

Learn more about his background and what inspired his journey to create the platform.

Read Ciarán’s Story


We have more exciting updates and features in the pipeline. So, be sure to keep an eye out for more news from us here at Plug.Events.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at


The Plug.Events Team


With August in full swing, a bunch of new events have been added to Plug.Events since last month! 🗓️ 

In this month’s newsletter, we want to give you a glimpse into what we’ve been working on and share how the platform is growing. We’re working hard to find ways to provide you all with the most optimal user experience. If you have any feedback, we will be engaging in a comprehensive user experience review, with open meetings every month focused on different aspects of the website. If you are interested in participating we’d love to hear from you!

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What We’ve Been Doing

The past couple of months have been broken up by holidays and trips, juggling final exams and concerts, starting new jobs and moving into new homes, harvest season, and many other priorities! No one on the team earns a living from this project right now. We have no revenue or investment capital.

Despite that fact, the team has been deep in planning and preparing for the second half of the year by improving our development pipeline, how we prioritise tasks, reviewing the platform’s usability, engaging in a branding exercise, and keeping communities and users informed about the features, updates, and bugs that we’re working on.

We’ve also become closer and tighter as a team. More people are starting to join as ambassadors and new contributors, and have been helping us to understand how to communicate more clearly about what we are creating as a company – – and as our first product – Plug.Events.

The balfolk and forró communities are starting to get behind the project as well, with many new sign-ups and partnerships brewing! We’ve established a good workflow that makes curating all of the balfolk and forró events manageable, even the smaller ones in obscure locations.

Put simply, we have been cultivating clarity in our direction and mission. It might be high summer out there in the world, but in our little bubble, we are seeing the first signs of spring growth. 🌼

Our Growth

1,600 Total Events Created; 976 Upcoming!

Total User Sign-ups: 72

Updates and Upcoming Improvements

Full-screen map

We realised that scrolling event pages was more difficult, especially on mobile, when the map was navigable within the page. The user’s finger or mouse would suddenly stop scrolling the page and move the map around. So we decided to allow the map to open in a full screen, which is much easier to use. Click on the Zoom button to open full screen.

Important Updates Across Other Areas of the Platform

  • Add security standards to password setting
  • On Create Event do not allow ‘as an Org’ if user has none
  • Change the text for linking capital from “Link to another event” to “Link – Make this part of another event”
  • Make the Universal Nav scroll independently from the Body + right column

What You Can Look Forward to From Plug.Events

Recurring Events

This would certainly be a game-changer for us.

We are adding festivals and parties from the forró and balfolk communities, but there are a lot of smaller regular events we also want to cover. Recurring events will allow us, and you, to add the classes and weekly parties that are such an important part of most dance organiser’s activities. When we release recurring events, later this year, we will publish a guide explaining everything you need to know about how to get the best out of them. If you are an organiser who has tried to post your regular events online this is going to make your life a whole lot easier.

More Coming on Next Month…

  • User Support Channel. We want to make it easier for you to reach out to us, so in the near future, we will have a support feature.
  • Social media previews on Plug links. When you post a link from Plug.Events you will see the images and text previews.
  • Improved notifications and event suggestions. We want to give you a reliable and relevant event digest based upon your interests

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Are you a UX Expert?

Curious about who we are? Would you like to participate? We are currently searching for a UX lead to help us develop a process for improving the usability of the website. So feel free to reach out to us!

Join the team

We have more exciting updates and features in the pipeline. So, be sure to keep an eye out for more news from us here at Plug.Events.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at


The Plug.Events Team

Hi there, 


We know it’s been a while but we’re reaching out with some exciting updates about all the work we’ve been doing at Plug.Events! We promise it’s worth the read.

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The New Plug.Events Experience

We are thrilled to share our new website with you! Behind the scenes, we’ve been creating an innovative way for communities to find, share, and curate events.

By serving communities first and providing simple features that are lost in the complexity and noise of traditional social media, we’re helping people reduce their social media usage without feeling socially isolated. The truth is, 2-hour in-person meetings do more for your mental health than days of scrolling through attention-fracking feeds.

If you want to know what a social network looks like when it is designed to bring people together as groups and individuals then stay tuned because we’re just getting started.

Communities We’re Working With


Our website is currently in development and being tested with a growing community.

You Too Can Be Part of the Revolution

Curious about who we are? We are a team of musicians, dancers, designers, community members, and more, but it doesn’t stop there. We would love for you to be part of us, whether you are a community ambassador, front-end engineer, back-end engineer, graphic designer, or digital marketer. We are only a few steps into our journey of a thousand miles, and there is still much to be done and ways to get involved. Our doors are open, so feel free to reach out to us!

What Comes Next?

In the upcoming months, we intend to notify you about updates to our website and the progress we have made. Behind the scenes, we have been working to bring you a host of updates, bug fixes and new features. Improvements include:

  • enhanced search results
  • we have added ‘search nearby’
  • you can now add online events
  • improved mobile navigation

Keep reading to learn how we are improving our platform to make your user experience smoother and streamlined.

Updates and Upcoming Improvements

Making Search Results Better

Our priority this month has been to improve the way events display in search results. We made the event image more prominent to create more impact, as this is often where organisers convey key information, and organisers invest a lot of time and thought designing their images and posters.

We have also improved the information included for each itemed listed so that you can see more without having to load the detail page. For example, in the list of people, we now show their availability, so that you can find hosts and others that are willing to meet up.

Search Nearby

Sometimes, when you search in villages or small towns there won’t be any results in the place you chose. To make it easier for you to find events in surrounding areas we have added the ability to search nearby, based on distance from the place you specified.

Online Events

You can now add online events, this can include a link to online streaming.

(In future, we intend to make this more clearly marked and allow people to filter for online or in-person events.)

Improving Navigation, Especially on Mobile

We have redesigned the navigation to make it consistent on all devices. This means moving all of the menus to the left column, with notifications and ‘Add content’ buttons up into the header, so everything is consistent across mobile, tablets, and desktop.

Improve Interests

Central to the way events and other content are curated on Plug is through the way interests are organized, in categorisation. Amongst other things, these categories make it possible for us to translate the website while also making user-generated interests freer flowing and organic. Previously, our design decisions made adding interests a little confusing. This has been dramatically improved in the latest release.

Important Updates Across Other Areas of the Platform

  • Changes to the pin on the map to something more universal
  • Improvement in the data displayed in-person search results
  • Implementation of caching for Geo event search results
  • Addition of resend code to email confirmation dialogue
  • Improvement in the data displayed in organisation search results
  • Changes to the link on recover password
  • Changes to the GeoEventSearch URL to “events-near/interest/locale”
  • Modifications to the bottom of search results
  • Improvement in the data displayed in Event search results
  • All instances of ‘Cancelled Event’ show ‘Strikethrough’
  • Clearer local date & time
  • Adjustments to location fields visible if online-only Event
  • Search to show a persona description if a search is for ‘Anything’
  • Improved Location fields

We Got These Bugs Fixed!

Intermittent Country Code Error on Sign Up

We had a strange problem recently which caused sign up not to work and reported an error with the country. This was intermittent and hard to track down. Thanks to some hard detective work this should be fixed now, but we will continue to keep an eye on it.

Bug Fixes Across Other Areas of the Platform:

  • Fixed: Search results ‘jump’ to August and could not clear
  • Fixed: Share dialogue errors
  • Fixed: organisation logos to display in Conversations
  • Fixed: search results page, after sign in, positioned on the organisation tab
  • Fixed: changing the location of an event didn’t clear address Line 2
  • Fixed: changes address dialogue remained open after change
  • Fixed: event location sometimes showed country only
  • Fixed: intermittent authentication error caused by sign-in credentials getting ‘lost’

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What You Can Look Forward to From Plug.Events

Recurring Events

This would certainly be a game-changer for us.

We are adding festivals and parties from the forró and balfolk communities, but there are a lot of smaller regular events we also want to cover. Recurring events will allow us, and you, to add the classes and weekly parties that are such an important part of most dance organiser’s activities. When we release recurring events, later this year, we will publish a guide explaining everything you need to know about how to get the best out of them. If you are an organiser who has tried to post your regular events online this is going to make your life a whole lot easier.

More Coming on Next Month…

  • User Support Channel. We want to make it easier for you to reach out to us, so in the near future, we will have a support feature.
  • Social media previews on Plug links. When you post a link from Plug.Events you will see the images and text previews.
  • Improved notifications and event suggestions. We want to give you a reliable and relevant event digest based upon your interests

We have more exciting updates and features in the pipeline. So, be sure to keep an eye out for more news from us here at Plug.Events.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

We recently chose a new name and wanted to tell you the story behind it.

Plug is a descendent of many projects. Before we became a team, each of us worked on our own websites to solve essentially the same problem or some aspect of it. We will tell those stories later. The beginning of this project was on October 25th 2020, when everything we worked on in the past was swept away to start afresh, leaving only the learning and the hard knocks of failure as a foundation. The name, the brand, the designs, and every line of code was discarded from that day so that each one of us could influence the new vision. The only thing that remained was that pivotal idea of fundamentally changing the paradigm of how a social network algorithm should work, prioritising network mathematics and human fulfilment over behavioural conditioning, addiction and user engagement.

Surprisingly, what we agreed on most were the hard technical parts. Yes, there was creative tension, and we hope there always will be, because the best ideas emerge from highly critical yet non-competitive environments, where people can poke holes in each other’s ideas without poking a hole in the underlying relationship. But where we found the least agreement, and always will, are the subjective matters, tastes and preferences and instincts.

For a full year we threw in names and one or more of us would trash or veto it. With five voices in the mix we couldn’t get to a clear consensus. The best we could do was 3 in favour, 2 against, with usually one person – always a different person – being staunchly against it. We all had strong preferences.

This was taking far too much of our time and we knew any number of names would be suitable in the end. But we still had to pick something.

When we came closer to launch, we decided to reach out to a hundred people who had never heard of the project before and ask them how they felt about various options. The result were still inconclusive. It did help us to exclude some names, like Pono and Revelar, but feedback was open for interpretation, and so the debate raged. Even the most popular names were dominated by “meh” and “not great”. Some of the written responses were:

Like Public works (club in SF), also communal spaces with white walls in like a warehouse setting. Not super appealing

a silicon-valley startup that will ultimately fold in 1-3 years.

Like a revelation? I dont really know the word. Social makes me think of a frat party

Too close to porno

I hate the acronym as it reminds me of passive aggressive corporate emails… and I think it sounds kinda cheap like a bargain basement couponing site

I like this one even if the insurance company is also called lemonade!
Children’s parties

Aside from Pono, we could have settled on any of these, but Public Spaces was too formal, and reminded people of public toilets, and Lemonade Events felt too narrow, and might pigeon hole us into children’s events, excluding things like astronomy lectures and business conferences. So we were still totally split.

So where did we land?

We knew that we needed a brand name that was short, positive, pronounceable for most people, unique, and available in various domains. But a key thing was to remember that this website is not our end goal. Ultimately we want to create and support a series of apps and websites that serve different functions, such as marketplaces, social apps, and others. These would be real public spaces created for the fulfilment of the people who use them. So it would be ok to split the company name from the name of our applications.

We are trying to build technology that supports digital public spaces; hence we formed under the name Public Spaces Technology Limited.

Our first product promotes events, so that people can coordinate and connect; hence we called our first website – “plug” meaning to promote something or someone. It also has a second meaning, to plug in to something, or to join a community. Fortunately we haven’t found any similar application or business using the same name.’

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Survey Responses

A big thank you to all of you that took the time to complete the name survey. We hope to involve people more deeply in the project over time – with surveys, interviews and feedback. In this way you can help to build and eventually take ownership of the platform as a public cooperative. The survey was our first step to starting that involvement. More on that next month…